Privacy Policy

Inferno Sports (GA and TM Shuker) ABN 64629101489 recognise the trust you are placing in us through your dealings with us.  We will do everything we can to maintain that trust.  Our staff are employed on the basis that they will protect information about you.  This is our corporate standard.  Under law, your rights to privacy are also protected.  Privacy laws place strict requirements and standards on us to treat certain information collected as confidential, to store your information securely and to allow you easy access to check and correct your information.

1. Scope of our Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy applies to the personal information we collect, store, maintain and use about you as our customers, visitors to our website, social media and other digital services and members of the public.

2. When do we collect information about you? 

  • Accepting customer orders
  • Processing online purchases and payments
  • Registering an online account
  • Maintaining client books
  • Customer service lines (including social media channels)
  • Processing credit card payments
  • Processing product refunds and exchanges
  • Arranging product holds
  • Maintaining detailed information on our website
  • Any other time when you may supply personal information to us from time to time.
3. What information do we collect?
  • your name and contact details (physical address, email address and phone number)
  • your gender, birthdate and occupation
  • your purchase history
  • your company name (if applicable)
  • the name of the domain from which you access the internet
  • the date and time you access our sites
  • the internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site
  • other information you may supply to us
4. Why do we collect this information?
We collect this information to customise our services and plan product development so that we can provide you with relevant consumer information and notify you of products and special offers that may be of interest to you.  It is also collected so that we may provide value added services and marketing and re-marketing.  
5. Do we share personal information with third parties?
We may from time to time disclose information we hold to our directors, officers, employees and other associated entities within our corporate group for business purposes and marketing and re-marketing purposes.  We may also disclose information to third party service providers or contractors.
Sometimes we use third party platforms and services to process sales and analyse data and information, provide web support, send marketing messages, deliver products or otherwise deliver information.  These services are hosted and managed by organisations other than ourselves. 
Where applicable information is shared with these third parties, they are obliged to observe the confidential nature of such information and are prohibited from using any or all of this information other than for the purpose for which it was provided.  We will also disclose information to a law enforcement agency if we are requested to do so by that agency in relation to suspected unlawful activity.
6. Personal information access
You may review, change or delete personal information related to your use or our website.  To access your information, simply sign in to your account and select "Account Information".  If you discover that there is an error or information is missing, please update your details online by clicked the word edit next to the information you wish to update.
7. Security
We understand the importance of your personal information and have appropriate procedures in place to safeguard and secure the information we collect to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, maintain data accuracy and ensure the appropriate use of information.  We also take measures in destroying or de-identifying personal information that is no longer needed for any lawful purpose.
We take website and credit card security extremely seriously and always endevour to provide a secure, safe platform from which to collect online transactions.  We use the industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, which encrypts information as it is transmitted over the internet.  This encryption scrambles details such as credit card numbers, billing details and delivery address so that other computers are unable to decipher the information, ensuring privacy and security.
To ensure you are accessing a secure server, look for the unbroken key or closed lock symbol located either at the bottom left or top right of the browser window.  If it appears, then SSL is active. You can double check by looking at the URL.  If SSL is active, then the first characters of the URL will read https rather than just http.  It is important for you to protect against unauthorised access to your password and your computer.
Ensure you sign out when you have finished visiting our website especially if you have accessed the website from a shared computer.
By using our website, you are consenting to the collection of information by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.  Please note that we reserve our right to amend, remove or vary this policy without notice.  You should check this page regularly to take notice of any changes we may have made to this policy.
Privacy Complaints
If you believe that we have breached your privacy rights in any way, or you would like to discuss any issues about our Privacy Policy please contact us at
All such enquiries or complaints will be taken seriously and handled with impartiality and descretion.
If you wish to submit a complaint, please provide us with all relevant information such as the date and time fo the incident or communication, the circumstances surrounding the event and your concerns about what was said or done.  You will also receive acknowledgement from us within 7 days confirming receipt of your complaint.
Once you have submitted your complaint we will assess it to determine whether or not you have complained about a privacy issue which is covered by the relevant privacy laws.  If you have complained about something which is not appropriately dealt with under privacy law, we will write to you and explain why our privacy manager is unable to address your complaint.
If you have complained about something which the relevant privacy laws cover, we will thoroughly investigate all aspects of your complaint including ascertaining the relevant facts and what your expectations are for any resolution.  During our investigation we may need to seek further information from you as to the nature of or factual circumstances surrounding your complaint.
We will endevour to respond to you at all times promptly and to offer a practical solution which is consistent with our legal obligations.